So as the teenage journey begins I will give a little background. Of course as a crazy pubescent teen I was feuding with my poor mom and step dad! (Who didn't deserve it btw) I ended up moving in with my dad and and his wife...(yikes) and it was a mess! At the same time my step sister had moved in with my parents... so after 6 months of mental abuse at my new home and my own ignorant erratic behavior I had enough! I moved back in with my much loved and missed mom and step dad! (Thank the Lord) Well at the same time I moved back in, my step sister was moving out because of the drama that she had been involved in. Well as I cleaned out my new room at my moms, I found a book of witchcraft that she had left behind. I looked through it and then showed my mom...we found some other things that looked like they were used for witchcraft but I cant remember the details because it was literally so long ago lol. The point is that we found some definite tools for witchcraft. Real Witchcraft. So now I will share some experiences. (Keep in mind..I'm lost) These are not in any particular order but they are all my own first hand EYE witness testimonies lol. LEGIT. I remember one time I was being the angry little teen that I was and I was sitting in my chair at my computer and I think my mom and I had had an argument ( is too short) but its common lol mother...teen daughter. Anyways I was listening to Korn as loud as it would go and my mom was vacuuming the living room. I was all into the song when I heard...AND felt someone come at me saying loudly in my ear..."HHHHEEEEYYY!" It sounded as if they were running at me and got right in my ear to say it. IT startled me so much that I jumped up and looked around knowing it was my mom lol. But no one was there. I walked into the living room and she was busy..and had not disturbed me. Not the biggest disturbance I'd ever had but it was one of the first.
Also this sounds crazy but one time I had bought tickets to see the Omen when it came out for my birthday. The tickets actually had 666 written on them...yea I thought it was creepy but it wasn't that big of a deal. Well I had planned to take a huge group with me and we were going to all go see it. So we all got to the theater early and as I looked for my tickets I couldn't find them. I was in a panic so I called my mom to see if maybe I had left them there and she searched high and low in my room. After about 30 minutes she called back and had found them. See a random aunt had given me this tall candle that had Jesus on it. She said she walked passed it and thought hmmmm....she lifted the candle up and the tickets were under it. CREEPY! LOL I knew I hadn't put them there! But that will preach! The devil is under His feet!! Well I always felt as if someone was watching me...ALWAYS. And there was a period of time when my mom thought I was sneaking out of the house. And as rebellious as I thought I was...I wasn't sneaking out!! She thought this was happening because she would walk outside and see stuff that was supposed to be on the inside of my window on the outside...My screen would be popped off and all my stuff in the front yard. Now the popular belief would be that I WAS sneaking out but lieing. However, as a 23 year old adult with nothing to lose I can say honestly with a clean conscience that I was NOT sneaking out. I didn't need to, my mom was cool. I would go to sleep with my window closed and locked, and I would wake up with it half way open. This happened for a span of about 2 months...never figured out what was going on!
Another crazy happening, I was wore out one day after school. I had just left soccer practice and was in serious need for dinner and a shower! I came home...spoke to my parents...checked out what momma was cooking for dinner (yum!) and walked back to my room. I shut the door so that I could change and began to try to open the door and walk out. But my door would not open! It locked from the inside and It wasn't locked! It just wouldn't open! I tried and tried and then got kinda worked up! I began to beat on the door and yell for my parents! After about 10 minutes they finally heard me! They were annoyed lol and were asking me what the problem was. I told them and they thought I was playing games lol but then they realized that I was stuck! My step dad then tried to take the door knob off and once he did that it should have opened right? Wrong! It still wouldn't open! All that was holding it closed was the white plastic piece...still wouldn't open. He had to break the white piece to get me out...I was trapped for about 45 mins.
My mom and I shared many experiences and then there were alot that we just told one another about. But my stepdad never believed us. TURD! lol But one day he and my mom were standing in the laundry room talking and the dryer was going. Now this dryer was kinda old and if it was buzzing you had to open it to make it stop. Or if it was busy drying clothes if you opened the door it would automatically cut off. Well as they stood there talking the dryer door popped open half way kept going and then slammed shut! (not possible for this old thing) He saw that with his own eyes and admitted that something had happened!
There were many more experiences of reoccurring nightmares and seeing shadows that are too numerous to even mention but all of these occurred before I was saved. We chalked it up to ghosts.
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