I have an amazing group of friends that I go to church with! They are all around my age and they all love God and most are full of the Holy Ghost (all are saved!) Awesome people! And they have all had experiences with the powers of darkness...both when they were lost and when they were saved. Some have heard a voice calling their name since they were a young child. It would call their name when no one was home...and after salvation it stopped. Also some friends have been delivered from demonic nightmares...it goes on and on. But I must share the stories that prove the power of God! I have a friend whose Paw paw was a pentecostal minister and He tells her story after story about the power of God moving in services.
Once he was preaching a service and a certain lady came in and sat in the congregation. At certain points in his sermon the lady would try to disrupt, shout and act crazy. After a few times of disruption...her paw paw looks at the lady and says HUSH in Jesus name. The lady froze...went mute and sat down and didnt even blink until his sermon was over. The power of God.
I have an awesome husband! I know that seems random but I want to talk about him and something that happened to him before. Well he used to work at American Lube fast in Tillman's Corner. One day he saw this lady in all black with black hair, a black umbrella, and a powder white face walking down the center median in Tillman's Corner. She had a little kid with her that was dressed the same. He thought it was odd, but he was busy and didnt think too much on it. Well I believe it was a few weeks later, they were sitting around the shop wth not much work to do...all the guys were cutting up and he was kind of off by himself. He sees the lady walking down the middle median again but she is alone. Now mind you this median and where he is standing is pretty far away and there is cars traveling between him and her. Well he watched her as she walked down the street and he began to feel the darkness that surrounded her...so he looked at her and whispered "Jesus" and right when he did she jerked her head towards him and they had a stare down as she walked by. He said all he did was whisper His name and she was wayyyyyy to far to have heard him...but whatever was in her heard him. He said that when their eyes lock he could tell that it was the enemy staring him down...frustrated because she couldnt break past the blood of Jesus that was on him! Awesome!!
My point in writing all of this stuff is not to glorify darkness and how it has been such an issue for people...the purpose is to make people realize that there is a REAL devil who hates us and will weasel his way into our lives in anyway that he can...and he will try to destroy you. But through the power of the Holy Spirit he fails! We win! Thank you Jesus!
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